Website Redesign tips one should never overlook Website Redesign tips one should never overlook
Author Sundew
Date February 24th, 2020
Time to Read 10 min.

Website Redesign tips one should never overlook

by Sundew

In today’s time having a website is mandatory to make your presence felt in the marketplace. A website not only helps you to represent your business but it allows you to communicate with your potential customers and meet their needs. Thus, if you aim for your website to deliver significant results in terms of generating huge traffic and ROI then it really needs to be well designed and build explicitly keeping in mind your services. 

Redesigning a website is often a daunting task it means you have to rebuild creating new databases, dealing with code, servers and modify every nook of the back-end side. If a website design does not reflect your proficiency, success on the internet will remain as a dream.

So, here are the bespoke redesign tips for a website that one should never ignore:

Focus on sharp visual features and elements

Most successful companies emphasize on having strong visual elements in their website as people responds more to images, videos and graphics than to plain text. So, by inducing eye-catchy visuals and animations which is the ongoing trend or by altering the ‘Call-to-Action’ slightly, one can actually make the audience stay longer on their website.

Make your Website SEO friendly

When one is willing to bring their website into the spotlight of search engines, attention should be given to make the website easy enough to crawl for the search engine bots. If they don’t find it up there, the dream of seeing at the top of the search results will be crushed. So, SEO should always be a fundamental consideration for your website redesign. Once the development is done always focus on strong Technical SEO Audits.

Use contrasting colours

Make your website redesign click by using contrasting hues.  One can highlight the main sections of the website with complementary colours to bring attention to the requisite website visitors. 

Minimize page loading time

We all know that slower page loading can cause a significant drop in generating revenue. Bounce rate increases when loading time exceeds 7 seconds which results in loss of interest amongst the target audience. So, focus on minimizing the page loading time this will help to surge user satisfaction, visitor retention and loyalty.

Opt for a mobile-friendly site

As per the recent survey by Google this year, the mobile version of a particular site is the initial point which Google includes in indexing and which is how the rankings are being measured. So, make your website mobile friendly to rank better ahead of the competitors in your network.

So, before you opt for redesigning your website, gather details of the current web traffic, bounce rate, conversion and time on page to see visible results. For further information, get in touch with us!

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