5 Major Business Goals You Can Achieve with a Website Re-design 5 Major Business Goals You Can Achieve with a Website Re-design
Author Sundew
Date September 10th, 2019
Time to Read 10 min.

5 Major Business Goals You Can Achieve with a Website Re-design

by Sundew

In today’s time having a website is mandatory to make your presence felt in the marketplace. A website not only helps you to represent your brand online but it allows you to communicate with your potential customers and meet their needs. Thus, if you aim for your website to deliver significant results in terms of generating huge traffic and ROI then it needs to be built strategically keeping in mind your service offerings.
Redesigning a website is often a daunting task it means you have to rebuild creating new databases, dealing with code, servers and modifying every nook of the back-end side. Redesigning involves making functional modifications that help your website work better and assist you in reaching your marketing goals. If a website design does not reflect your proficiency, success on the internet will remain as a dream.

Here’s what you can achieve with a Website Re-design:

• Increasing your brand reputation and awareness
A website can make or break brand image. Believe it or not, people judge companies based on their websites. If a website looks unpleasant or is hard to use, visitors would abandon and are going to have a low opinion of the company. In fact, 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout is unattractive. After all, why would you trust someone who can’t even get a website right?

When designing a website, you should not only consider the end user but also you need to think about the way that search engines work. If you fail to make your website SEO-friendly then you
would find yourself loosing on a major chunk of web traffic. However, by writing clean code, having a great layout and internal linking structure, you could improve your brand awareness by ranking higher on search engines. The higher your page ranks, the more likely it is to be found by a potential customer.

• Higher Lead conversion
While you don’t need to do a full site redesign each time you adjust your marketing goals, it’s a good idea to check often to be sure your site is fully aligned with your newest marketing plans. This measures the ability of a website to capture information of a visitor and convert them into a prospect. For achieving such goals, it is crucial to know your website’s current conversion rate. This way, you can determine a realistic percentage increase.

•Become an industry leader
Another way to work towards higher rankings is to create well-researched, informative and
interesting resources, that attracts backlinks which in turn helps to establish authority of your site and position your company as an industry thought leader.

• Gaining a better understanding of your audience
Measuring online customer satisfaction is a tricky business but if your website’s objective is to
improve customer satisfaction through user experience, then you should consider qualitative
research in the form of surveying your customers before and after a redesign.

• Improve Sales Conversion Rate
Similar to marketing, this goal measures the ability of a website to sell or convert a website visitor into a customer. It is typically measured as a percentage of website visitors who become paying customers. This goal is suited best for e-commerce/SaaS websites that want to focus specifically on maximizing a website’s ability to sell. This goal can also help measure changes in the quality of traffic. Just as with marketing KPIs, it is absolutely crucial to know your website’s current conversion rates before setting this goal.

A great website redesign should be leveraged to help you achieve your business goals and put you at the forefront of your competition. So, before you opt for redesigning your website, gather details of the current web traffic, bounce rate, conversion and time on page to see visible results. If you’d like to redesign your website, get in touch with our experts at [email protected] or call us at +91-98367-81929.

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