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Although we carefully check the content we do not take any responsibility for the contents of external links. Because of this, the providers of linked sites are therefore exclusively responsible for their contents. The contents of our pages are protected by a copyright.

The use of texts, even in extracts, without previous written approval of Sun Dew Solutions Private Limited is illegal.

The use of texts, even in extracts, without previous written approval of Sun Dew Solutions Private Limited is illegal.

All the copyright of the projects & works displayed in the portfolio section of the website and other subsequent pages and sections belong to the Brands / Customers along with their development partner Sun Dew Solutions Private Limited, India.

All logos of Brands and Companies are used to only resemble that Sun Dew Solutions Private Limited has worked with them directly or indirectly in the course of doing projects. All copyright of the Logos of the Brands belong to the Brands respectively and we do not claim any rights on the logo.