6 ways to speed up WordPress and decrease page load time 6 ways to speed up WordPress and decrease page load time
Author Sundew
Date June 11th, 2019
Time to Read 10 min.

6 ways to speed up WordPress and decrease page load time

by Sundew

We all know that slow page speed kill conversions. Even a seconds’ delay in page load time yields:
11% fewer page views
16% decrease in customer satisfaction
7% loss in conversions
This greatly impact the ranking on the search engine pages and also on the sales of the businesses.
So it’s essential to have fast loading WordPress site — not just for ranking well in Google, but for keeping your bottom-line profits high.
Fast loading pages improve user experience, increase your page views, and help with your
WordPress SEO. In this blog, we will share the most useful WordPress speed optimization tips to boost WordPress performance and speed up your website.

Optimize the WordPress database

A well-organized filing cabinet helps you to find your files more quickly, right? This is the principle at play when it comes to database optimization – remove the clutter, and your server can retrieve and display your web pages faster.
Like caching, database optimization is something you can benefit from instantly – simply install and activate the WP-Optimize plugin.

Use a caching plugin
Behind your hosting service, caching is probably the next best way to speed up WordPress. It’s so effective that caching can result in a 10x speed gain over a non-cached website.
Adding caching is as simple as installing a caching plugin. The out-the-box default configurations work perfectly well with both plugins, so you can enjoy the speed benefits the moment you hit activate.

Get a good web host
If you only take one thing from this list, let it be this one.
No amount of on-site tweaking and optimization can undo the damage of a bad web host. So make time for selecting the right hosting provider for your website.
Remember, running a successful website starts with choosing a good host. Get the foundations right, and everything else will fall into place.

Remove excess Plugins
Installing WordPress plugins is a trade-off between adding cool functionalities and slowing your
website down. However, when it comes to plugins, less is more.
It’s surprising how quickly our websites become overloaded with plugins, usually without even
realizing it. Navigate to the admin section and see how many Plugins you have installed.

Update your website
Failing to update websites is definitely bad practice, though – and we’re talking about updates to the core, theme, and plugins here.
Speed often isn’t a priority of updates – updates tend to focus on introducing new features and
patching up known security issues. However, over time, any distended code can be improved and optimized, and gradually that translates into small speed improvements.

Avoid too many advertisements and scripts
Don’t display too many ads on your blog. Many PPC ads are full of unnecessary HTML content and can affect your site’s loading time by a great margin. If advertisements are a must, you should use Google AdSense as it is well optimized and gives the best CPC.

When fractions of a second can have a serious impact on your conversion rate, every moment
counts. With each step stacked on top of each other, you will see a significant improvement in your website’s load times. If you need help with the performance of the website, get in touch with our experts at [email protected] or call us at +91-98367-81929.

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