A Few Merits & Demerits of WordPress for Your Business A Few Merits & Demerits of WordPress for Your Business
Author Sundew
Date June 1st, 2017
Time to Read 10 min.

A Few Merits & Demerits of WordPress for Your Business

by Sundew

In case you own a business, it’s imperative for you to have a website for the same in order to withstand the competition and to grow your business. But how to actually create a website in the first place? If you do not have any clue about the intricacies of the same, you will have a lot of queries in your mind, which is natural! You might think which platform to use to create one and even if you have an old website, you might need to know the ways of revamping it for escalating your business growth and to make sure that it doesn’t become obsolete in the coming months.

There are numerous platforms available on the web which will promise you to provide free websites for your business. However, you must always choose the right one and WordPress is the most common of all. In order to create a website on WordPress, you need to get in touch with a website development company or individual developers who specialise in WordPress website creation. However, before you do so, you must learn the merits and demerits of having a WordPress website for your business.

But before that, here are a few facts about WordPress:

1. More than 75 million websites depend on WordPress.

2. WordPress powers 23% of the entire websites, almost.

3. In WordPress, there are more than 45,000 plugins.

Now, here are a few advantages of using WordPress platform:

1. It’s Open-Source: The best part of WordPress is that it’s an open –source platform which means that the developers can make use of the code written or used already without modifying the same or having to start from the beginning. This is quite a relief, isn’t it? Also, there are large communities of developers available for WordPress and they can share codes among themselves thereby saving the time for writing new ones and implementing the same.

2. It’s Easy to Operate: Websites need to be refurbished occasionally to be on track with the technological advancements happening over the web. So, to do this in your WordPress website, you do not need to get in touch with designers or developers to modify your website. This is because you can make all the changes yourself without having to write a single code. This will save you a lot of time as well as money!

3. It’s Simple with Higher Usability: With other frameworks, you will need to have some kind of understanding of the technicalities and knowledge but this isn’t true for WordPress. Even with zero technical background, you can still use it and that too, quite effortlessly. So, with WordPress, there’s no need to be aware of the programming languages like PHP, HTML, CSS, and so on.

Here are a few demerits of WordPress:

1. It’s Open-Source: An advantage can also be a disadvantage at times! So, when we said that it’s open-source and hence, it doesn’t need any code, it can also be a reason for your website’s downfall. It is being used widely and therefore, is an easy target for the hackers. Your website can be vulnerable to cyber-attacks as the code that you would have used for your website can be written by someone else and so, there can be a possibility of your website carrying malicious bugs which can hinder its overall functionalities.

2. Excessive Plugins: Usually, plugins are meant for enhancing the functionality of a website but too many plugins can work differently as well! Too many plugins can also affect the overall performance of your website and make it slower with a decreased response time. Hence, it’s better to refrain from using such plugins and with every new update, try and uninstall the ones which are not in use anymore.

3. Decreased Speed of the Website: As the WordPress websites need numerous generic codes and plugins for uniting the several functionalities into the website, the website is more likely to respond slowly and the loading time can also get decreased. So, when users will find that your website isn’t responding well to their command, they might consider going for other alternatives!

4. Security is what matters: As the most popular CMS for websites WordPress is easy target for hackers and spammers. WordPress is though being one of the most user-friendly website development platform available to us, it is terribly vulnerable to attacks. A study says that more than 70% installations that happen are vulnerable as the developers do not practice proper security protocols for the platform.

Although, it’s not at all easy to outline every single merit and demerit of using WordPress framework and to know firmly whether you should go for it or not, the above-mentioned points are the most common ones that every business owner must consider while thinking about making use of WordPress for building a website. Also, this blog is just a general informative one which is meant for letting the readers know about this particular framework in detail. This write-up doesn’t provide an argument for or against the usage of WordPress. It’s for you to read this and decide whether or not you should make use of WordPress for creating a website for your brand / business. The decision and choice is yours completely.

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