Key elements of SEO one needs to know about Key elements of SEO one needs to know about
Author Sundew
Date January 7th, 2020
Time to Read 10 min.

Key elements of SEO one needs to know about

by Sundew

In today’s digital ecosystem, SEO has become an important technique in strategizing and ensuring Brand visibility. As per a recent survey, 94% of B2B buyers believe that they search online before making a decision. In the B2C sector, the dominance of the online world reports that global e-commerce is expected to reach $4.5 trillion by 2021.Brands that do not take the initiative to leverage and understand the importance of SEO will be left behind as it plays an imperative role in bringing the potential customers providing a great deal of value to their business. SEO needs a defined strategy, it is not a one-time work but It involves a lot of alteration to your website time and again, and a lot of off-site work as well.

Here are few SEO techniques every entrepreneur should know about in growing their online business:

1. Aesthetic and User Experience

The first thing one needs to accept is that the Website is the front office of the Business to the global market. If it fails to attract and retain users and is not seamless in terms of user experience, no amount of SEO efforts will make much of a difference. Consider looking at other sites within your industry to get an idea of what others are doing and how to improve your website’s user experience, as you can build a different perspective through your design communication.

2. Your Website Needs to Be Search Engine Friendly

A lot of start-ups and organizations don’t want to dive into SEO as they start out, but later on, in their journey, they feel the need of optimizing their web presence. Nevertheless, your website should be built in a way that will amplify SEO down the road. Otherwise, one has to spend a huge sum re-engineering the site or building a new one. It’ll be a hassle and possibly a big expense — and will delay your ramp-up of organic user growth by months or longer.

3. The Basics of Search Engine Optimization

While doing SEO, make sure to write a user-friendly Meta description that connects your business offering with the user requirements. It should be relevant towards the business services described in the page of your website. Headers are equally important, so use your keywords in headers whenever possible, but again, don’t stuff keywords unnecessarily. Lastly, make sure that every photo on your site has a description and alt tag to help Google understand what the picture is all about.

4. Writing Unique Content

It’s best to ensure that every advert, one-liner or description written on your site is relevant to the business and its users. If a business sells a product that is also sold elsewhere, creating your own distinct product descriptions will give search engines more unique content to crawl through, thus you gain an advantage on the competition.

5. Influences of Social Media on Your SEO  

Over the last couple of years especially, SEO has evolved in many aspects, getting smarter and more accurate in terms of identification of contents. The algorithms have also changed due to the influence of Social Media platforms. Social Media helps you to broadcast your Business Offerings, Though Leadership and Contents to reach a huge audience, online. Thus, it helps you to amplify contents and leverage on the user engagement that you can pull in. This helps you grow organic traffic to the website, which in turn impacts the page ranks.

6. Technical SEO

Technical SEO is one of the most important elements in Search Engine Optimisation. It helps search engines spiders crawl and index your site more effectively. One doesn’t have to be a programmer or website developer to update and replace the site’s robots.txt file, which is a mandate nowadays. Further with basic knowledge and with the help of Google Web Master tools, one should be able to put together the XML sitemap efficiently.

The main motive to invest in SEO is to drive qualified organic traffic to your website from user searches — and then have those leads make inquiries, further leading to sales conversion. There is no point in doubling, tripling or quadrupling your traffic if it’s not generating the desired ROI or business to be precise. Technical SEO is needed to meaningfully optimize your website to promote your Business Services & Products. For a free consultation get in touch with us at [email protected] or call us at +91-98367-81929.

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