How Search Engine Optimization will help your business get organic traffic How Search Engine Optimization will help your business get organic traffic
Author Sundew
Date August 13th, 2020
Time to Read 8 min.

How Search Engine Optimization will help your business get organic traffic

by Sundew

You absolutely hate the idea of your potential customers who are in need of the services you offer but land up on your competitor’s website instead of yours! Right? Your challenge is to reach your prospects whenever they are in pursuit of operations and be the first option to come up in their search results.


Organic search drives 51% of all web traffic and 40% of revenue

However, you need not be dependent only on costly pay-per-click and mindless search engine optimization (SEO) to achieve your goals. There are plenty of strategies that can elevate your website’s ranking in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERP) at no cost, except for your dedication.

Optimize for your visitors to get traffic; Not for Search Engines Alone!

In the marketing world, “Content is King”! And “Customers are God”! Not only customers, but readers, visitors, and the prospects are also Gods when it comes to getting organic traffic. Therefore, optimizing your website content for your potential buyers will automatically send a green signal to the search engine. For that, having a clear buyer’s persona is of foremost importance to know whom to address in your content. Think about their pain points, the exact search terms they use in search bars, understand the buyer’s journey, and try to figure out how they will be convinced to pay for a service. An excellent starting point is through quality educational content that taps into the main issues of your personas and resonates with your prospects will automatically enrich your SEO. So, instead of pleasing only search engines please your customers. The search engines will surely get impressed with your endeavors!

A well-known graphic designing platform is able to boost traffic by prioritizing customers’ needs and provide them what they really want. They increased the web traffic nearby 225% in about 60 days by following this philosophy. They depend much on BuzzSumo or Quora to find topical ideas for the current problems their prospects are facing. As a result, their organic traffic tripled just within 60 days

Focus on Meta ingredients of your optimized Web page to be easily identified by Search Engine Crawlers

Never judge a book by its cover!  But we can assume what the book is about by reading the preface. Don’t we? Similarly, when you are publishing content on a web page or a blog post, you must put a 1-2 liner synopsis to tell the Search engine crawlers exactly what you are talking about.

The URL, Meta Title, and Meta descriptions- the three primary ingredients for a web page or blog post optimization.

You can use various SEO tools to ace these crucial on-page SEO factors. Nowadays, it’s not enough to install a plugin; you have to put URL, Meta Title, and Meta description for each page differently. Make your Meta titles and Meta descriptions more SEO-friendly. Include the target keyword in the Meta title to make it engaging. For Meta description, a call-to-action sentence is a must with the inclusion of the exact keyword phrase that matches the search intent of the visitors.

Grab the New keyword opportunities with the incorporation of new product features

With the inclusion of new product features or services, new keyword opportunities also open up. Build these keyword opportunities into keyword strategy and start producing content based on them.


Are you thinking about how to find these? Start aiming at ‘low-hanging fruit’; keywords that have high search volume yet low competition rate. 

Plug your site to a reliable keyword tool to pull these low-hanging fruits or the new related keyword opportunities that your site has still not covered.

Based on the organic search and past performance of your site, filter out some keywords that you can rank for

Research on the search intents of that keyword by Googling them for what kind of content is ranking in the search result page.

A trustworthy SEO SaaS software provider Deleted 49% of their old posts and replaced them with new quality content to increase traffic. Their SEO experts realized that nearly half of all the old blog posts were getting a grand total of zero visitors each month. Their initial strategy was “out with the old”. After that, they revamped their strategy—“in with the new.” Besides, they cut down their posting frequency in half, and invest more time on quality.

Long-Tail keywords to bring quality traffic and high conversion rate

Your job is not to feature the popular keywords in your industry. Your task is to incorporate those keywords specific to your product or services. Your blog post or web page needs to target the audience who wants specific information and needs a particular subject. For example, this particular blog is targeting those visitors or potentials who are looking for some strategies to increase their organic traffic. Long-tail keywords are relevant and very specific to a particular niche. Hence, it has comparatively lower search volume as well as lower competition than short-tail ones.

SEO blogging strategy: Making User-centric content for your blog

It is one of the most effective ways to boost your organic traffic regularly. However, it takes a little longer to show the outcome than paid search ads.  A comprehensive SEO blogging strategy will help your blog gain organic traction. Once you have a list of target keywords, categorize them by volume, buyer persona, or even pain point. This guarantees that your content stays user-centric.

Over the course of six years, a very handy social media management software company grew its monthly blog audience to 1.5 million. They did an analytical study on Keyword research, Content auditing, Capitalizing on trending topics, and Headline testing to get web traffic to 1.5 million monthly sessions. While evaluating their past content to find out what was resonating with their audience, they uncovered that their target audience enjoyed their educational blog posts the most. As they discovered the best performance blogs, they started more work on educational blogs and replicating that success.

A B2B snack delivery service provider has seen a 59% increase in their site’s homepage traffic from blogging! With intensive keyword research, they analyzed that only around 20 people per month were searching for the most relevant term in their industry they wanted to rank for: “Wellness program ideas,” and “healthy office snack ideas”. They incorporated these search terms in their content and also reached out to their bloggers and customers to generate more ideas on these two search topics. People were happy to feature their idea on their web pages and blog posts. Not only the best content, but they also took a systematic approach to build reliable backlinks fast. These resulted in a 59.2% increase in homepage traffic and above10, 000 blog views per month.

Do you also want to secure your rank in the SERP to get organic traffic? 

Email us or talk to us at +91-98367-81929.

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