The Future is here Influence of Chatbots and AI Bots on your Business Metrics The Future is here Influence of Chatbots and AI Bots on your Business Metrics
Author Sundew
Date September 25th, 2018
Time to Read 10 min.

The Future is here Influence of Chatbots and AI Bots on your Business Metrics

by Sundew

Automation technologies are captivating all the spheres of our lives, be it the growth of smart cities, smart homes, computerized workspaces or technologies like smartphones and digital personal assistants. Software robots, a recent buzz across a lot of sectors and businesses are getting adopted extensively to scale up user experience and engagement amongst business and the customers. By 2020, research survey shows that “consumers will deal with 85% of their associations with enterprises without ever interacting with a human.” Whether a business requires linear or departmentalized backing, such as tech support or customer service for primary user interactions, bots will the one stop solution to perform a magnitude of tasks seamlessly with less or limited human assistance.

Chatbots are mainly developed using Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a combination of machine learning & virtual intelligence which enables them to speed up internal business processes while offering plenty of time to the taskforce to focus on more productive work. Both chatbots and AI Bots provide sustainable business growth by improving key performance metrics like customer conversion, engagement rates, overhead cost with high return.

Scroll down to witness few merits of implementing bots in businesses:

1. Improve customer relationship

Chatbots and AI bots help business to achieve one of the most vital metrics i.e. improving user experience and connecting patrons with customer service at any given time. If chatbots are built on the landing page of a website, they can direct users for easy navigation and provide an instant response to their queries. This, in turn, reduces high bounce rates and shields the online reputation of the brand, resulting in overall traction and fostering customer acquisition.  

2.    Drive more business

Bots are transforming the sales practice through targeted customer outreach to drive qualified leads, increase organic traffic, and customer service management.  Chatbots create a situation that is certain to drive organic traffic through SEO from increased social proof and perceived user value. By introducing chatbot solutions to balance the human workforce, one’s business can get the leverage it needs to go into new markets.

3.    Better capital retention

No matter what methods businesses are using for assisting customers, one can elevate the design experience with bots while managing expenses. Today’s consumers are active around the clock, so in order to support them even at odd hours, bots fit the role in eliminating the need for businesses to bear overhead costs of staffing team. If any industry receives a lot of inquiries, chatbots can reduce the load off the customer support system by acting as the first point of contact, screening calls from the customers and readdress them to human sources as per the requirement.

4.    Enhanced Productivity

Unlike apps and websites, bots do not function giving a passive customer experience. AI-powered Chatbots perform all the basic tasks like verifying customer related information, replying to emails, and sending appropriate responses to the leads. This allows businesses to save time and invest carefully in areas that need more human intervention. Prioritizing tasks as per productivity would eventually enhance the business’s revenue-generating capacity.

5.    Personalized Marketing campaigns

Chatbots that are equipped with processing Big Data Analysis can help businesses create customized marketing campaigns which result in the increased attention span of the target audience and higher conversion rates. Bots can help businesses reach any number of specific metrics, such as product pairing suggestions in e-commerce sites with a humanized touch to increase average customer spending.

With every latest development, we are inching closer to a more connected and digital future. Thus, leveraging the chatbot and AI Bot technology as a part of a wider business strategy will mark a sharp edge over the competitors. Being digitally present, engaged and competitive in the online landscape is a necessity for viable brand growth. 

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