Six Ways Brands Can Explode Their Sales with YouTube Six Ways Brands Can Explode Their Sales with YouTube
Author Sundew
Date May 7th, 2019
Time to Read 10 min.

Six Ways Brands Can Explode Their Sales with YouTube

by Sundew

Businesses that are looking to build brand awareness, increase market reach and drive sales, should include YouTube into their marketing strategy. This video-sharing platform has more than one billion users who watch more than five billion videos. If you’re looking to hook people and get them engaged, there’s no better way to do that than with video. And certainly, YouTube is the best way to get video in front of an audience.

So, if you aren’t using this tool, you’re missing out on your potential customers. If you think it’s intimidating to get started, read on the six most important tips to make optimal use of YouTube and see your brand grow.

Do a competitive analysis 

The first step is to take a close look at the companies in your niche. What type of content are they sharing? If you have a similar target audience and marketing goal,  you can get a lot of information and insights by evaluating what their channel is doing. Check the comments of each video to get a sense of viewer reaction and engagement.

Have a clear focus for your channel

Before you launch, have a clear idea of your channel’s focus and purpose. This will give your channel authority and help you devise a marketing strategy. Think through the vibe you want to create. Undoubtedly, this will include increasing awareness of your brand, so you want to create content that appeals to your potential customers also create interest in your product or service without being too assertive.

Find your niche

Tapping into a niche will eventually help you grow your brand. But determining this, in the beginning, can be tricky. What specific subject or area is your channel going to focus on? And who is the intended audience? All these need to be clearly defined.

Also, take into account the demand for the subject you’re focused on. If no one is searching for it, your channel may get only a few hits. But if your niche is too broad, it’s harder to stand out and your content could be easily lost in the clutter.

Create quality videos

YouTube is a competitive space, and if your videos are mediocre, it doesn’t matter how awesome your content is -- no one will watch it. If you want to up the bet, here’s some equipment to consider investing in:

-A high-quality camera which should record at least 1080p for quality videos.

-An external microphone

-Tripods to help you avoid unsteady footage that can make viewers feel uneasy.

-Pictures and Video-editing software

Make your videos searchable through keywords

About 70% of YouTube videos are found through browsing. This means you have to optimise your video’s title, description and tags with relevant keywords to make sure your videos come up in those searches. The title of your video tells viewers what it is all about, so make it catchy but closely aligned with the video’s content. Focus on showing the value of your video in a clear and concise way.

Include multiple calls to action

The more people engage with your video, the better your video’s ranking in search results. And, of course, you want them to click the link that will take them to your webpage -- where you hope they’ll become steady customers. That is why your channel and each of your videos should include multiple CTAs.

Create your videos in a way that people will see the value in it and that will make them shareable. Build excitement by cross-promoting teasers on all social media platforms. Lastly, make sure that you’re using a decent thumbnail image for your video. This will help your video stand out and get more clicks. Select an image that works well on both desktop and mobile devices. A custom thumbnail grabs people’s attention and increases viewer engagement. For more details, you can get in touch with our experts at [email protected] or call us at +91-98367-81929.   

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