How to leverage Facebook Ads for your Business How to leverage Facebook Ads for your Business
Author Sundew
Date May 21st, 2019
Time to Read 10 min.

How to leverage Facebook Ads for your Business

by Sundew

These days it’s getting harder to reach audiences online as emails are going unopened, social media newsfeeds are getting more clogged for your update to be seen. One proven channel for reaching your audience, however, is Facebook ads. Because there are many ways to engage your social media audience with Facebook, you can maximize your reach and find new customers.

Here’s how to leverage Facebook Ads for your Business:

Set a Goal

Don’t waste your valuable resources if you don’t have a particular goal in mind for your Facebook advertising campaign. What are you trying to achieve?

-Send traffic to your website or landing page

-Get more likes on your Facebook page

-Get people to sign up for your newsletter

-Generate sales

Set a specific target for your goal so that you can measure against it.

Choose the Best Ad Format

Facebook keeps expanding its ad offerings, making it more and more appealing to businesses.

-Video Ads:  Over 100 million hours of video are watched on Facebook every day and that makes Facebook video ads even more compelling.

-Slideshow Ads: If you don’t have the desire to create videos, try slideshow ads. They’re great for highlighting your product or services.

-Canvas Ads: If you have a story to tell, use the multimedia ad format, Canvas. It’s great for engaging a mobile audience.

-Photo Ads:  Photo ads appear on the right side of your news feed. Remember that only 20% of the ad can be text or it will be rejected by Facebook.

-Boosted Posts: Amplify existing Facebook content with boosted posts to get it in front of your page’s fans as well as even more people.

-Augmented Reality Ads: Here’s a very of-the-minute ad option: augmented reality (AR) ads. Users can, for example, try on a pair of glasses through the ad interface and their camera.

Start with one and then try another to test out your campaign to see which is more impactful.

Create Your Offer

This offer will tie into that goal you established. If you want more audience on your business page, create an offer that will entice them to click like on your page. Here’s an example:

‘Click Like and get exclusive offers you won’t get anywhere else!’

Note: use only one call to action per ad, otherwise you’ll confuse your audience, who don't know what you want them to do. Use words like click, visit, save, like, combined with a sense of urgency: limited time, now, instant.

Set Your Target and Budget

Once you’re in the Facebook ad dashboard, it’s quite easy to set up your ad. You’ll be asked who you want to reach with your ad. The more specific you are, the more successful your ad will be, so you need to know who your target audiences are. Facebook ads are usually pretty affordable. If you’re worried about spending too much, set a modest budget and carefully monitor results before you invest more.

Assess Results

Facebook has great monitoring tools. So keep tabs on how many people responded to your ad. They may not have made a purchase, which makes evaluating the ROI a bit tricky, but if you can assign a value to each action, you’ll have a sense of whether the investment was worth it or not.

Facebook ads get you directly in front of the people you’re trying to sell to. They’re inexpensive and easy to modify as needed. Play around with them to see if they can help you increase revenues. For an in-depth understanding of Facebook ads, you could get in touch with our experts at [email protected] or call us at +91-98367-81929.   


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