Six Tips to drive traffic to your website Six Tips to drive traffic to your website
Author Sundew
Date February 10th, 2020
Time to Read 10 min.

Six Tips to drive traffic to your website

by Sundew

Every business, despite the sector they are into, needs a website to survive in the competitive environment to engage visitors and get them to carry out the desired action. However, the lack of website traffic is one of the biggest concerns among all business owners and marketers. So, in this article, we have curated a list of actionable, DIY ideas to help businesses see a huge inflow of traffic to their website.  While some of these ideas might not work overnight but implementing them over time can help businesses to increase brand awareness, drive revenue and educate consumers. Now, let’s go straight into the six actionable ideas for Driving Website Traffic

1. Simplifying user navigation

One of the reasons why many companies fail to drive website traffic is bad user interface. Maybe your visitors are leaving because they are unable to find something they are looking for on your webpage. Simplify and re-organize your navigation structure so that users can find the page they need without much effort and focus on building responsive bespoke designs as more than half of the millennial search any website from their mobile devices.

2. Reduce page load time

Sometimes robust navigation can slow down your home page. So, make sure it is designed in a way that doesn’t affect the page load time. Probably each one of us has an experience with slow loading pages and research shows that if loading time is slower even just for one second, then the website can detect a 56% surge in their bounce rate.

3. Focus on long tail keyword

It’s no more a secret that SEO is one of the best ways to drive the right traffic to your website. So, make sure that the posts include all the relevant terms and phrases related to the keyword. Make a list of related long tail search terms and check which one works best in your niche. Long-tail keywords account for a majority of web searches, if businesses are not targeting them, they are missing out a huge share of prospects.

4. Include links to other relevant posts on your blog

The strength of your website isn’t solely measured by how many sites link back to you – it can also be affected by your internal linking structure. When developing and publishing content, be sure to keep an eye out for opportunities for internal links. This not only helps with SEO and conversion rates but also improves traffic volume by enticing users to click on other web pages.

5. Optimize your existing post

Go through the old posts to make sure they have unique and relevant title tags, URLs and Meta descriptions. This is essential for boosting your SEO ranking as it will generate more page views and decrease bounce rates. If your site has more relevant content and images, it will convince Google that the content is of higher quality and will rank better on the search engines while making the visitors revisit your site.

6. Promote your content and optimize social media profiles

Being visible on all social media platforms helps to build a connection with audiences who are interested in what your business is offering and will follow up by checking out the profile. So, it’s important that you adjust your bios, display pictures, and links to convert these impromptu visitors into qualified leads. With user engagement being an essential part in determining the success of a business, one needs to make the most of the above tips. Run tests to scrutinize which works best for your web design instead of simply settling on one. Thus, the primary focus should be on making the website eye-catchy, interactive, and user-friendly!

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