Here’s why SME’s need a strong digital presence Here’s why SME’s need a strong digital presence
Author Sundew
Date February 17th, 2020
Time to Read 10 min.

Here’s why SME’s need a strong digital presence

by Sundew

These days it is perceived by many that if a business is not online then probably, they don’t exist. The digital makeover has compelled businesses for having a dynamic online presence.  So, if one belongs to the category of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), then they must embrace the potential of online presence and marketing their products and services digitally. This will certainly help them to prosper and take the business to newer heights.

Studies say that more than 71% of the population uses the internet for viewing products/services online. So, if one can promote their business to even a fraction of this section, chances are there, the business will attract the required target audience. With most recent trends we see, people are highly active over Social Media and other digital platforms, hence this can help the SMEs to target and grab their attention and thus maximize the conversions. It’s about being where your customers are. Traditional marketing tactics for running campaigns and finding customers emanates a heavy cost and this is exactly where the need of digital presence comes into the picture. Here is how you can get started on building a robust web presence -  

Make an attractive website that tells your brand’s story 

It’s perplexing that about 68% of Indian SME’s are still offline and don’t have a website which means they are losing on new opportunities every day.  Therefore, the first step in creating visibility for the digital world is to make a bespoke website.  A custom-built website could serve as a comprehensive information source and if you are in retail, then an online commercial store for your products and services is what you need. If the website provides great UX design and easy navigation, it will help in new customer adoptions and further engaging the existing ones.

Build a strong social media presence

Present day marketers claim that social media is an important tool for promoting and improving sales. It has bridged the gap between the consumers and the brand helping them to get more exposure in their niche segment. If Businesses spend as little as six hours per week on doing right social media efforts, they can fetch a good amount of business leads through the online channels.  Having a presence in multiple social media platforms can increase the chances of getting referrals for your business and would also help in improving the visibility through SEO Analytics.

Get your business listed

It’s true that big companies and international brands have more capability to invest in marketing strategies than SME’s. So, the best way to reach out your target audiences would be to get your business listed in a local online business directory for improving online visibility. Generally, customers look for local businesses that can solve their problems and fulfil their needs. Thus ‘proximity’ and ‘affinity’ are the catch-terms that keep the business at the top of the mind of the customers.

Search Engine Optimization

Once the website is up and live it is important to focus on SEO to get your website traffic by search engines. Often having a great website might not help as it needs continuous improvement and optimization. The customers rely on the search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo to find your company and research your products and services. Here SEO helps to boost your web page and get it listed in the organic result as opposed to their paid or sponsored results.  Use relevant SEO strategies like tags, keywords, headlines and unique content for better visibility and improving SERP which will lead to more people visiting the website.

Delivering better experience

Over the time, the purchase pattern of customers has changed and digital technologies are helping to understand and track the online behaviour of the target audience. This enables small businesses to deliver personalized and relevant things that the customers would prefer to visualize. At the same time, digital platforms facilitate real-time communication which helps to resolve customer queries, improving customer loyalty and maintaining a positive image of the brand.

SME’s can effectively leverage digital tools and technologies to expand their geographical presence and create a strong brand identity to survive in this highly competitive marketplace. 

In order to have an awesome digital presence for your business, connect us at [email protected].

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