Developing a mobile app for business? Factors to look at,  before doing so Developing a mobile app for business? Factors to look at,  before doing so
Author Sundew
Date February 8th, 2021
Time to Read 10 min.

Developing a mobile app for business? Factors to look at, before doing so

by Sundew

Android and IOS applications serve nearly all purposes for consumers today. Businesses from all over the world are now bidding adieu to the offline promotion like printing advertisement, handing out leaflets, and billboards. If you foresee the massive benefit out of your business, you must set your footsteps into mobile apps.

If you think business mobile apps are only for technology giants and major brands, you live many years back. More and more SMEs are realizing the effectiveness of having a dedicated mobile app to take their marketing strategy up a notch.

What is Mobile Application Development

Mobile application development is the process of creating software applications that run on a mobile device, and a typical mobile application utilizes a network connection to work with remote computing resources. Like web application development, mobile application development has its roots in more traditional software development.

Things to consider when developing a mobile application


Market Research

Market Research is always advisable before starting the app development process which will help you to understand your requirements, analyse the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors. Check the customer reviews that you receive and try to understand what your audience is expecting from you.

Selecting the Right Platform

Choosing the right platform from Android to iOS is very important in the application development process alongside the UI to design it. This will impact the scope of adaptability of an application. Find out on which platform the app will be able to make the maximum impact and which one can provide your maximum security and flexibility.

Prioritize your Target Audience

User is king. If you develop an outstanding application with no user to use it, then the purpose of owning it will go in vain. You should know your target audience to aim at and understand the expectation and requirement of your target audience. It is essential that you understand what your customers want from you and their needs to align your application goals with their requirements for the success of your app. 

User Interface and User Experience

No matter how informative your content is, if your UI and UX is not able to influence your clients and your user does not like the UI and UX of your app, then it is bound to fail. The reason why top mobile application development companies spend a great deal of time from scratch in developing UI and UX.

User Security and Privacy Policy

App Security is one of the key factors that must be taken care of at the beginning of the development as you are collecting sensitive data from the users. You also need to put a privacy policy in place on what data you are collecting and how you will be using it. if your app is related to a monetary transaction, you must assure the user that none of the information will be misused and they will be protected from intrusion by any third party.

Benefits of building a mobile app you must consider for getting success sooner or later


Branding and Recognition

A mobile app for your business is a true winner in two aspects, building a brand and its recognition. But you need to create an app that has features your customers need, while at the same time it should be well branded and tactfully designed.

The more often you can get your potential customers involved with your app, the sooner they will be inclined to buy your products and avail of your services. In advertising, the term is labelled as “effective frequency” which suggests the more people hear or see your brand, the more it gets noticed.

Boost Customer Engagement

No matter whether you are selling beauty products or providing internet services, your customers need a way to reach you. Having a one-on-one chat section (or help desk) feature on your app can make a difference to communicate with your customers.

There are a few restaurant table booking apps going round in the market. They built their entire business model based on this principle. Instead of calling a restaurant for a table, you can book it in a hassle-free way in a few clicks on their platforms.

Initiate your own Direct Marketing Channel

A dedicated mobile app for your business works as a convincing platform where the customers can get general information like user accounts, messengers, booking forms, search features, a news feed, and more.

One of the greatest benefits of having a mobile app for your business is that you can provide buckets of information to your customers only through a single channel.  Through push notifications, you can also send special sales and promotional offers to them. Direct or indirect conversations with your customers are right at their fingertips.  Whenever it is needed, you can remind customers about our services and products and also initiate a direct interaction.

Digitalize the loyalty program

While talking about on-hand information, it is important to consider providing value to your customers. You have to think about digitalizing the loyalty program. Instead of the old point-collection card, you can initiate the process where the customers can collect the rewards via your company’s mobile app. What will you get as an outcome from this smartphone-based loyalty program? More downloads, more customers, and more engagement!

Always be visible to the customers

According to recent statistics, the millennials, and the zoomers spend more than 4 hours a day on their phones on average. A handful of applications may take up a total space, but each time users unlock, scroll, and scan their devices to open an app they need to access. Our mind unconsciously records every image and text when they are always visible. In that way, the well-designed app icon of your company may come across to the sight and mind of your customers.

Foster Customer Loyalty

Building a mobile app for your company is the benchmark of customer loyalty. Billboards, flyers, coupons, roadside banners, billboards, email marketing - these advertising strategies are everywhere to create a long-lasting impact on the customer’s mind. With all the noise out there, it is important to build a sincere connection with the users as well as followers of your products and services. It's not like a mobile app can save a business overnight or a rocket science app to bring a huge amount of profit to the table within a couple of days. But a mobile app can be a way of staying connected to your customers.


There is hardly any doubt that in this digitally-driven world, a mobile app is going to be a standard component of any business now or in the future. The choice you make today is going to set the foundation for the future of your business. If you need any assistance regarding the implementation of bespoke mobile app features from scratch. We are developing successful iOS and Android mobile app solutions that will drive your sales process.



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