Crisis-Management- Switching & Establishing Operations with Team Efficiency Crisis-Management- Switching & Establishing Operations with Team Efficiency
Author Sundew
Date April 9th, 2020
Time to Read 10 min.

Crisis-Management- Switching & Establishing Operations with Team Efficiency

by Sundew

Team members must have all the necessary equipment

Before sanctioning work from home, check if all the team members have the necessary equipment to work from home smoothly. In remote working, the team members work separately from a different location. 

The management must make sure all the associates are fully equipped; they have access to the required online tools, software, and technical support to conduct the work without any hindrances. The ‘work from home’ team must have laptops, smartphones, dingles, WiFi router, Tablets and extra devices (if required). The management must check the availability and accessibility of these technical devices.

Every team member must be notified about the particular day when these devices are allotted to them. If anyone cannot make it due to an emergency or cannot be present on the last working day of the office, the equipment must be delivered to him.

Continuous updates are necessary

Though we are not working from the office, our dedication and approach to each and every project are still the same. Thus,  we need to value the power of communication in remote working.

Some feasible approaches we can take to continue this process

  • We have to rely upon scrum and agile work methodologies-to organize, produce, and deliver work within the deadline at a very fast pace and also keep it flexible enough to meet our client’s requirements.
  • All the documents must be saved in Drive or in Cloud. There is no use to save it locally while you are working separately. You can access the documents in the Cloud from anywhere and onboard new members onto the project when needed.
  • Communication and organization must be best friends in separate working mode. Both of these weapons can prove that teamwork can be done separately. Use different project management tools to collaborate on projects in remote working. However, select those tools which are easily accessible by all the team members as well as the international clients.
  • The team must be transparent to the clients and send updates about their time to time progression with the assigned work.

Shift the HR process and administrative work online 

It cannot be denied that some processes tend to get hindered while shifting the office work to remote work in a sudden crisis. Some processes must be adjusted to maintain the workflow and the same level of efficiency which the team was accustomed to while working at the office.

The HR processes like recruitment, interviews, onboarding, and psychological understanding, etc. tend to fall prey to this crisis. But as management, you cannot afford to put a hold on this process. The show must continue. So, it must be tailored in a way that fits the online format without any adjustment with the regular workflow. 

Let’s see how it can be done smoothly

  • When it comes to recruitment, the entire process is shifted online where the recruiters take telephonic rounds, set virtual screening, online tests, and conduct face to face interviews on video calls. Initially, in the first couple of interviews, it takes time to get adjusted. But after that, it will be quite similar to the regular in-office selection process. 
  • Another aspect of the HR process that gets switched is the leadership and the mentorship aspect. In-office, you can easily take care of each of your associate’s needs and stand by them instantly when anyone needs assistance. But in this scenario, unfortunately, that door is closed. 
  • Remote working emphasizes more on communication and demands more support and guidance from the supervisors, mentors, team leaders, and the head of the departments. The administrative department monitors the entire process tactfully and comes with different advice to engage the team members in a fruitful communication. 

Review the financial scenarios and create crisis-management strategies

As the COVID-19 pandemic also hit hard on the World economy, the entire market is at the threshold of the financial crisis. It is inevitable as everything is interconnected. Though ensuring the steady cash-flow of the company is important always, in such a crisis, the responsibility just doubles up. How quick your company can get over from the financial crisis is in your hand. 

The vital steps are checking out the financial scenarios, standing strong as a team; indulging in some market research to get a hint of how the economic instability might affect your business in the following months. On the basis of that, the management will create and implement some business strategies for steady cash flow.

Hence, the foremost priority of the company in this situation is to protect the current team and ensure together they can successfully navigate out of this dreadful crisis.

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