6 Ways to Improve Landing Page Conversion Rates 6 Ways to Improve Landing Page Conversion Rates
Author Sundew
Date April 30th, 2019
Time to Read 10 min.

6 Ways to Improve Landing Page Conversion Rates

by Sundew

Landing pages are an essential element of inbound marketing practices, having close association with conversions. If your landing pages are fully optimized and refined to improve every last element, then Companies can generate a significant number of leads.

Whatever your business goals are, the purpose of landing pages remains unchanged and will do until the end of time - to convert. Ideally, you want every page on your website optimized for conversions, but landing pages need extra effort.

Creating a landing page that can really convert, requires precise headline, thoughtful offerings and call to action. Your landing page deserves to be as close to perfect as possible, because often you've spent money on acquiring that traffic, be it through paid search or promoted posts. In order to quantify that investment, landing pages should be designed with a specific goal in mind to see some sort of a return.

There's an art to create high converting landing pages and even if you master that art you should try making these little improvements too. This will help your conversion rate climb. You don't even need to hit double figures to make this exercise a success - even a 2% improvement is likely to double the number of leads you're currently capturing.

Here are six keys to boost your landing page conversions:

Create a compelling opener

Each sentence matters. But most importantly your opening sentence and closing sentence matter the most. Those are the ones you peg the reader with. Once you compose, read the first sentence of your landing page and analyze does it compel you to read on? If it doesn't, keep trying.

Always deliver value

Once a visitor land on a page, the first thing they will notice is your headline and the Meta description. So grab the attention of your target audience with an irresistible copy and visual elements that will lure the reader in on the promise you made in your headline.

Remove distractions

Your landing page is designed with one goal in mind. Anything which doesn't directly contribute to that goal is a distraction and should be avoided like pop-ups, flyovers, overly prominent share buttons, sidebars, etc.

Mobile matters

You already know the importance of optimizing your landing pages for mobile. The parallax background and autoplay video look might look good, while on display on a desktop. If it hinders the mobile experience, it has to be removed. The best landing pages are often the ones that are simple.

Use directional cues

Usually, landing pages contain multiple elements including text, headers, photos, graphs, charts and tables. To make it clear where the reader's attention should turn next, use directional signifiers or even an image of a person pointing at the CTA. You'd be amazed how much directional cues can improve the flow and invite more readers to convert.

Use awesome images

People often browse web pages, but if there's an image that stands out, they'll be more inclined to slow down and stick around. So, you should abstain from using clichéd stock photography in favour of striking visuals.

Whether your landing pages are performing exceptionally well, averagely or poorly don't settle for what you've got. Keep on refining them, because for every percentage point your conversion rate jumps, your revenue jumps considerably more. Always optimize, test, refine and repeat the process all over again. For more details, you can get in touch with our experts at [email protected] or call us at +91-98367-81929.   

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