Top 6 landing page principles to follow to get more sales. Importance of post click landing page. Top 6 landing page principles to follow to get more sales. Importance of post click landing page.
Author Sundew
Date December 22nd, 2020
Time to Read 10 min.

Top 6 landing page principles to follow to get more sales. Importance of post click landing page.

by Sundew

What is an e-commerce landing page?

An e-commerce landing page is a miniature form of a web page that is designed specifically to persuade the visitors to take any action against an offer. Ecommerce landing pages primarily sell services and products. They're crafted by e-commerce businesses with the ultimate goal of selling a tangible, physical product.

Why are landing pages important for eCommerce product pages?

A landing page is a great way to improve your SEO, drive traffic, and build your brand. It is also considered to be an effective PPC strategy. Landing pages lead customers to a specific service, offerings, and products that encourage them to take action. Eventually, it drives conversions and builds the customer base.

Created with the primary aim of converting potential customers, landing pages for e-commerce portals feature content that is clear, concise, and easy to understand. The most effective landing pages are the catalyst for generating more leads, boosting conversion rates, and complementing overall marketing efforts.

What is a good landing page?

The landing page should be designed keeping in mind the buyer persona. A landing page must deliver useful solutions to the pain points of your potential buyers. It must contain an engaging headline, striking colours, minimalistic layouts, and images. But the focus should be on a particular topic.

The focus should be on conversion

Of course, the visitors do not land on a landing page with a steady buying motive. Individuals can scroll down the page to learn about the handy app, check out the menu, and view testimonials to make the buying decision.

So it’s essential to create a conversion-focused landing page to gain more traction from customers.

Why do you need post-click landing pages?

As most businesses have become more data-driven, post-click landing pages are more beneficial because of their ability to drive more conversions, generate more leads, and deliver higher ROI. In fact, according to a survey run by famous brands, the reason behind this is that every customer requires personalized attention and engagement to be persuaded to purchase. The best e-commerce post-click landing pages cater your services to individual customers through specialized offers and boost engagement and sales.

The most desired post-click e-commerce landing page conversions focus on:

  • Making a purchase
  • Subscribing to email updates
  • Download free content
  • Update the subscribed service
  • Upgrading to a higher level of service

Top 6 Post-Click Landing Page Best Practices for E-Commerce Portal

 #1 Focus on Only One Offer

The e-commerce landing page should never let the visitors be confused with too many choices. Have you ever been to a restaurant where the menu is like a book? Reading a menu like that makes every choice sound good. Don’t you ask the server for an extra few minutes to choose the perfect meal?

 A landing page is different. If you don’t seek to engage your visitors and redirect them towards your goals in some way, the bounce rate will increase without a second thought.

Similarly, if you leave your visitors with too many choices on your landing pages, they will fail to make a decision at all, and eventually bounce rate increases. Instead, make it clear to the visitors and provide them with a single choice to decide through decreasing bounce rates and increasing conversions.

You should give them the hope that you have a viable solution to the problem they want to be solved. This assurance should look mighty enticing and must be powerful enough to lead them to click-to-buy.




#2 Simple Design and Headlines

This landing page is another with a simple design and one focus: to introduce, educate, and engage the visitor into making the ultimate choice to buy.

As you can see, the best e-commerce landing pages don’t have cluttered layouts. Instead, you will see a lot of white space, simple headlines, sparse text, and incredible imagery that divert the attention of the visitors only to the offer. Try this one aspect of these e-commerce landing pages and you should definitely see a great conversion boost




#3 Place Multiple Call-to-Action Buttons

Your landing page should focus on a single offer. But that does not mean one call-to-action button will work. Many visitors will not get into the details at first glance and go to interact with the CTA above the page. They prefer to scroll down to explore more of the details of your offerings.

While creating an e-commerce landing page, you must keep in mind that visitors may not be ready to purchase initially. They may make up their mind after going through the product details. With discounts on a single focus, an e-commerce landing page will also have to be designed for buyers who do not make a decision quickly. With more highlighted “Order Now” throughout the landing page, the visitors will be more likely to click the buttons and fill up the required information.

This is the key to a successful e-commerce landing page-“Multiple CTAs for a single purpose”




#4 Eliminate Site Navigation

The post-click landing page is a standalone page from the e-commerce website, it shouldn’t include a navigation bar anywhere. Without CTAs, any additional links would only allow visitors to get diverted and click away with other things without bringing conversion to the table.

By omitting navigation links and other distractions, e-commerce post-click landing pages focus 100% on the primary motto: Letting prospects engage with your brand.



#5 Post Click Landing Page should be Conversion-Focused

E-commerce Product pages are usually optimized for SEO as one of their main goals is attracting organic traffic. Similarly, you will think Post-click landing pages must also be optimized for SEO. 

However, it’s not always necessary. Rather than organic, post-click landing pages are ad focused. So even though post-click landing pages can be created SEO-friendly to rank higher on SERPs and gain more traffic from search users, they should be primarily focused on conversion.




#6 Optimize the Landing pages for mobile


Millennials and Gen-Z are most of the time on their phones. They do most of their shopping from mobile devices. So, having a mobile-responsive pre-carte e-commerce landing page is an essential and wise step towards conversion. Format images and videos properly to sleekly fit on the device, create vertically aligned pages and forms, and include finger-friendly buttons.

Optimize your post-click landing page elements for mobiles, allowing users to comfortably access your content. Thus, it will also serve as an ideal user experience and a better chance at conversions.


Landing pages have proven benefits, especially to convert the traffic into leads. To do this, you first need a stunningly crafted landing page filled with informative content that drives visitors to tap the C-T-As. Our award-winning design team is versed in creating head-turning landing pages that will be catalysts for conversion. For further details, reach out to us.


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