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Fly Helicopter In Switzerland

Combining Tourism & Aviation to Offer Once-in-a-lifetime Experience

Fly Helicopters in Switzerland provide memorable helicopter tours to the jaw-dropping mountain terrains and mesmerizing landscapes of Switzerland for global tourists. They also provide helicopter training and safety programs to the pilots and technicians aligning with the highest safety standards.

They consulted Sun Dew Solutions to give shape to their vision by creating a website to highlight the perks of these helicopter expeditions to attract global tourists.


The major challenge was designing the layout of the website to be in harmony with the captivating beauty of Switzerland and at the same time successfully integrate the wide variations of tours for different locations and different tour packages.

We undertook intensive research work to incorporate the content and the business logic based on the on-boarding rules, transportation details, the correct passenger weight, pick-up and drop-off logistics, criteria for booking customized tours, and cancellation terms.

Website Development| Custom Website Design for Aviation & Tourism
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A Platform to Plan Dream Tours

From glaciers to endless forests and valleys in combination with landing on spectacular spots and restaurants, tourists can plan their dream tour online through the website. Registered travel agent partners can also book tours on behalf of the tourists, taking advantage of the inbuilt commission scheme.

Thus, the website conceptualized and created by Sun Dew Solutions provides a three-way benefit to the tourist through a fabulous tour plan, commission to the travel agents and revenue generation for Fly Helicopter.  
