Why do you need a ‘bespoke’ website for your Company  Brand? Why do you need a ‘bespoke’ website for your Company  Brand?
Author Sundew
Date September 4th, 2018
Time to Read 10 min.

Why do you need a ‘bespoke’ website for your Company Brand?

by Sundew

In the present context of digital transformation, every company needs a robust online presence in order to reach their target customers and markets. A poorly built website could result in losing out on conversions and opportunities for the business. It’s very important to have a synchronized and an incredibly captivating digital presence through the web and mobile platforms.

A recent case study of BIA/Kelsey indicated that 97% of consumers will go on the internet to search products and services in the vicinity. Whether your revenue comes through your website or not, customers expect to find you online. This essentially means having a fully bespoke website that speaks to the target audience on behalf of the brand, communicates its products and services in a simple and faster way. So, make your website the most effective sales tool in your marketing arsenal for reaping maximum conversions.

With so many free templates and off-the-shelf options, many businesses are questioning why they should pay premium charges for a bespoke website. Our take is simple, a bespoke website can have an insanely incredible design that delivers great customer experience.

Unique designs help you establish the Brand connect

Every business is unique in nature and have their own core competencies and a Brand message to convey to their customers. In spite of how many color and skin options the off-the-shelf templates and design tools have, they do not give you the design edge that your company or Brand might need. A custom design gives you the opportunity to design your website in such a way that it becomes a piece of art. This helps you to position your Brand in the way you want it to be and conveys the DNA and the culture of the organization.


Making it secure, less vulnerable to cyber attacks

Most of the Content Management Systems are free and are developed through codes and plugins contributed by various people across the globe. On one hand they work as expected but you are never sure what vulnerabilities may exist there.  So, one must not depend on these open sources platforms totally for complete security. Anybody familiar with markup language and relevant coding architecture can easily make changes to the existing codes and plugins, resulting in data leakage or a compromised web presence. By having a custom designed website, one can optimize and raise the level of security and prevent their site from cyber-attacks.

Tailored to your business

With a tailor-made website development approach, one can use a very creative and innovative approach to design a great web experience representing the Brand’s core competencies and the services they provide. This helps their customers to find them easily and navigate through segments and contents that matters most. A faster communication effectively gets the customer attention and thus the conversion rates become higher.

A tailored design can be carefully crafted with modern typography and more creative formatting with bright colors and bolder gradients with more white space. The main essence is to make your web presence simple, compact and precise so that your customers love the ease and accessibility of the same. It also helps you to enjoy all cutting-edge features that you can have to make it an insanely great experience for your customers.

Performance Tracking

With a bespoke website, businesses can integrate SEO and social media features at length on the website as well. This will help you to get information regarding your website traffic, new leads, social media analytics, bounce rate and performance, which becomes a key factor in measuring your online success and optimizing resources time to time as per business needs.

Low maintenance cost

In the beginning, the cost is more to develop a bespoke website but considering its benefits, it is one of the most important investments that a business would make. A website that has been wisely planned out, personalized to fit your requirements and attract your TGs will be far more likely to deliver the right traffic and ultimately convert that into sales. Investing in a bespoke site has proved to be more rewarding in the long run.

Building a user-friendly website that is built on the cutting-edge technologies and innovative design formats will always deliver a great user experience. A bespoke development further ensures to be fluid responsive, i.e. seamlessly accessible through devices of any form factor, better secured, more customer focused, that enables you to shape your brand identity. In the end, you will find that a bespoke website is a perfect fit for your business and much more cost-efficient.

Sun Dew Solutions was born with the passion and love of creating great web and mobile experiences. Our motto for the past decade has been to make the web more simple, clean, accessible and most importantly lovable for millions of users across the globe. We ensure hand crafted designs that suits your Brand’s identity and stands out in bold amongst your competitors.

Let your new website take you to the next high. Connect with us for a free consultation!

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