Technologies that are in surge during pandemic- Trends that are going to shape 2021 Technologies that are in surge during pandemic- Trends that are going to shape 2021
Author Sundew
Date January 14th, 2021
Time to Read 10 min.

Technologies that are in surge during pandemic- Trends that are going to shape 2021

by Sundew

Technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, and with the new year comes the latest, most in-demand tech skills. Technology updates exponentially. We are currently witnessing improvements that will change in the immediate future, be it our interaction with the Internet or green engineering. 

According to a report, the technical areas that have emerged during the COVID-19 crisis and has identified four key categories that will achieve significant new milestones in 2021:

  • Risk/crisis management technologies related to managing employees, businesses, suppliers, and partners
  • Artificial Intelligence for seamless customer experience technologies including customer feedback systems, chatbots, and contact centres
  • Health and safety technologies such as contact tracing and surveillance
  • Employee experience and human capital management tools such as content platforms, contract lifecycle management, video-conferencing, and human capital management.

Although these trends were already well underway before the pandemic hit, the crisis will accelerate what would have happened anyway.

In the current competitive climate in the tech-driven world, both employers and employees need to have the skills that can help them to recruit the right candidate or land the ideal tech role. Get ahead of the competition and stand out from the crowd by learning IT and tech skills for 2021.

Top Emerging Tech-Trends to Look for in 2021

Here are the trends that shaped 2020 and are going to be a huge deal in 2021.

Mobile App Development Technologies

With the correct understanding of mobile app development technologies, the app developers can come up with some unique apps which can do great business. You must come up with an app that has a user-friendly interface and matches the current bar of digitization. So, let's have a look at some of the best technologies that can be used to create a robust mobile app in 2021.

Low-code/No-code software development

The need for speed has been paramount and developers have raced to get new applications to market. Low-code/No-code development platforms use visual components and drag-and-drop construction to build software quickly. They were already on a fast track before the pandemic set in.

According to recent research, the low-code market will rise up to 40% annually to $21.2 billion by 2022. It is estimated that low-code tools will be used for 65% of all application development by 2024. After the pandemic hits the world, clients are cutting budgets to solve problems they didn’t have before. Besides, most of the apps were demanded to launch in one to four weeks during the need of the hours. Hence, low-code and no-code were high in demand. 

Cross-platform Development and React Native

Lots of businesses have shifted online as brick and mortar stores and their offline channels have suffered huge losses due to government-imposed restrictions caused by the pandemic. On the contrary, some businesses experience more traffic than ever that they were never designed for. Eventually, it put their applications and infrastructure under heavy loads that prompted the need to reach out to the users faster and at the lowest cost.

And that’s where cross-platform and React Native come into play. Cross-platform development is the process of creating apps that can run across multiple device platforms. It maximizes code sharing and reduces overall maintenance costs. Rather than building individual applications for every single platform, the developers can create a single or universal codebase to share among all the platforms.

React Native is the most popular framework for delivering universal applications implemented across all the mentioned platforms. It is a JavaScript framework that has been built and open-sourced by Facebook. With React Native, one can develop cross-platform apps with the look, feel, and function exactly like native apps. Some of the apps developed with React Native are Myntra, AirBnB, UberEats, Instagram, Facebook Ads Manager, and many more.

 Digital Retailing


Long lines and empty shelves in retail stores drove millions of people to online merchants for goods they had never before purchased in cyberspace.  COVID-19 has accelerated innovations in “touchless” shopping. Instead of picking items off a shelf, it prompts you to introduce cashier-less grocery shopping and enables consumers to scan barcodes for delivery. This pandemic has driven widespread adoption of this technology which should happen anyway before, like digital payments.

Chatbots and Robots


 Chatbots and other human-like AI informative aids like robots have been picking up the slack at customer support decimated by absences with noticeable success. During these unprecedented times, the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control have adopted chatbots to attend to millions of queries. Currently used mostly to get quick answers to common questions or to resolve complaints, chatbot technology is likely to expand into new areas.

In the post-pandemic world, chatbots are working as digital portals for interactive healthcare, helping patients find a doctor, facilitate symptom checking, schedule appointments in emergency care, and follow post-discharge instructions. AI Chatbots Adoption hastened the speed with which digital assistants navigate websites and applications. This technology has given organizations the scope to integrate core communication channels like chat, video, and SMS into their customer experience and scaling them overnight.

Robots are expected to become more common in factories to enable social distancing norms. The difficulty in hiring for low-level jobs in risky environments will fuel an already accelerating investment trend in robotics. Post-COVID, it will be a lot easier to get a bank to give you money to invest in through a robot than to hire four or five more people for the same job. Robots will reign in many sectors from keeping calendars, answering phones, and handling administrative tasks so humans do not need to flock to an office.



With some online services marking up to a 500% increase in usage during the pandemic, Telehealth appears that digital healthcare will go main-stream quicker than expected. Many Healthcare software companies build their own remote delivery of healthcare services within a few weeks. It enables medical assistant staff to launch a video visit to the patient, review relevant patient history, and update clinical documentation directly within the application.

A surge of interest has been marked through these digital healthcare mobile apps such as patient intake and online registration. Added to that, it automates less paperwork and face-to-face interaction which required previously. Healthcare used to be a high-touch field with a lot of personal interaction. Ironically, now touch-less mediums have become almost a necessity and telemedicine has really taken off.

Cloud Infrastructure


 Cloud technology has surely created a buzz that was already well along. 75-78% of all enterprise databases will be migrated to a cloud platform by 2022 and cloud data management firms say demand has been unprecedented since March 2020.

Along with availability and scalability benefits, cloud platforms also have the benefit of global reach. With the acceleration of remote work, accessing data is important across countries and more and more software products will cater to those cross-border needs.

Data Security and Protection

As during the pandemic, due to the increase in usage of the internet for various services, there are severe demands for data security and protection rose to safeguard individual data as well as data of businesses from spammers as well as hackers.

Data Security


Data security has become a rising concern during and pandemic times. As cloud infrastructure usage grew dramatically over 20% as reported by all the major cloud service providers combined. There are a huge number of threats over the security of the cloud and network infrastructure providers. That means a single ransomware attack can severely impact businesses all over the world. There may be a breach from outside as well as an internal one. Organisations cannot ignore all kinds of risks involved there.

So businesses are investing in technologies that are safer and working on different security principles to safeguard the interests of the businesses. Google introduced 6 steps server protection for its data centres. There is an increase in usage in data access technologies, two-factor authentication, data backups, data checks, and cloud data protection technologies. These technological innovations are going to shape the future of data security and are going to be a trend in 2021 too.

Data Protection


Due to rapid use and growth in tech adoption, there is a severe rise in concern for protecting personal information which can be misused severely in case of any kind of breach. So more brands are focusing on data protection technology as an ethical business practice, according to norms and Compliance policy set by the Government. The industry has grown drastically.

 With an annual growth rate of 7.4% in pandemic times in Indian IT industry as stated by PwC, govt of India Issued a strict GDPR policy on Dec 4, 2020, about how data should be handled by companies to prevent from

1- Personal Data Breach

2- Snooping

3- Scams and Cyber-Phishing

4- Unauthorized use

5- Data manipulation and behaviour manipulation

Data localization is the main demand for administrative control of a data of a particular region in the current era. Still, a lot of privacy and encryption technologies are being used to safeguard user interest.

These technologies have been here to rule for many more years. If you want to transform your business or boost your website or application based on the mentioned technical aspects, reach out to us. Ready to stand out amidst competition with turnkey techno-digital solutions? We, the ninja techies, are just a message or call away!


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