Six Tips to make a Great Dashboard UI Six Tips to make a Great Dashboard UI
Author Sundew
Date April 16th, 2019
Time to Read 10 min.

Six Tips to make a Great Dashboard UI

by Sundew

In the simplest term, a dashboard is a screen in your application that displays information. Usually, a dashboard offers the user an inclusive overview, with access to the most important data, functions and controls. In reality, a dashboard often becomes a sort of homepage, especially for daily users.

Dashboards are often made on-the-fly with data being added simply to fill the white space. As per the requirement of every individual in the company, data are being prioritized and soon the dashboard becomes hard to read and cluttered with trivial information.

Sun Dew Solutions discusses the steps that need to be taken care of while building a useful and actionable dashboard:

•    An active dashboard shows useful information that a user can act upon, as well as makes the visual representation which is easy to understand.

•    A dashboard can guide its users to comprehend, analyze, as well as present key insights.

•    They’re easy to customize, not complex, and most importantly, are extremely spontaneous.

•    Though there’s a limit on space, great dashboards have room for the most important data components and widgets without seeming too cluttered.

Consistency is Key

Once it comes to a dashboard, it’s imperative to remain consistent in terms of visual design. A unified design on all devices is what we are talking about. Most users own multiple devices that have varying screen sizes, such as smartphones, tablets, and desktops, and hence, it’s extremely important to ensure that the dashboard is consistent in terms of the way it looks and functions on each of these devices.

Convey the Important Information First

Arranging Content is a major element of designing a dashboard but it is something that is achieved during the UX stage of dashboard design. However, it is only through visual design, that the most vital information can be conveyed to users in an appealing and usable manner.

Avoid using complex charts

We usually get very excited by the varieties of ideas of presenting data differently, which tend to make us go overboard. Charts are the primary data visualization tool for users and they should be simple, but fancy, complicated charts should be avoided.

Pay Attention to the different icons

The best dashboard designs include icons that users are accustomed to. For example, a trash can symbolize ‘delete’ and users can easily identify its function. Perhaps, Dashboards are used multiple times a day and are accessed for quick action. Therefore, familiar signifiers reduce the processing time and help to create great UI.

Use the Right Font

The style and size of the font are equally important when it comes to UX and UI. When designing a dashboard, it is recommended to use a maximum of two font styles for cleaner UI design. You can do this by putting the most important insights in the largest font and possibly in a distinctive colour, and put the other information in smaller font size.

Easy Customization

While planning a dashboard never proceed for “one size fits all” approach. This is because firstly, we have multiple user roles with unpredictable needs and priorities; and secondly, designs should be scalable. It’s important to focus on empowering users with designs that they can adjust to fit their individual business needs.

The above-said tips will surely help in creating a better dashboard UI design once you are aware of your users’ preferences. Also, it would help to tailor the designs according to the specific needs of your audience, which in turn will make them find the dashboard useful. For an in-depth understanding of a dashboard UX and UI, you could get in touch with our experts at [email protected] or call us at +91-98367-81929.   

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