How Title Tags Optimization Can Help Your Website Get Better Traction? How Title Tags Optimization Can Help Your Website Get Better Traction?
Author Sundew
Date March 26th, 2019
Time to Read 10 min.

How Title Tags Optimization Can Help Your Website Get Better Traction?

by Sundew

It takes plenty of time and effort in getting your business seen for the people who matter the most. There are so many different components to consider when it comes to attracting your target audience. As title tags typically show up in the SERPs or when a post is shared on social media, it’s essential that a title tag should be impactful to make the user click on the link or post.

In the past, Sun Dew Solutions have done a lot of correlation studies which shows a little alteration in title tag has resulted in a significant increase of CTAs in SERPs.

So, let’s simplify what are Title Tags?

Title tags are the HTML elements that are used to specify the theme of a webpage. Its primary job is to tell visitors and search engines in the most concise way what they can expect from the web page. Also, the web crawlers prioritize your page and its content through a ton of factors, with one very important SEO ranking metrics being the title tag. Let’s take a look at the best practices to ensure better traction to your website.

Optimize the title tag on every web page

For multiple web pages, it can be puzzling to come up with tags that are different from each other. That’s why mapping out your website and knowing where each page fits into the context of your subject matter is important. The title tag of a home page is going to be much different than a blog post or product page.

Topical Relevance within the Page

The title tag is important for search engines and users to understand the topic of the page and the important keywords are evenly used in body copy, image alt, Meta description and URL, to rank the page organically in the search results. One should never ignore the content of the page when writing the title tag as it contributes to a higher bounce rate and also loses relevance to the topic of the page. You should always use words in the title tag that are also used in other parts of the web page to create a connection with the topic.

Unique Tags

Unique titles help search engines understand that your content is valued and drives higher click-through rates. While it may seem difficult to craft a unique title for every page when dealing with hundreds of such pages, modern CMS and code-based templates allow creating data-driven, unique titles for almost every page of your website.

Don’t stuff keywords in your title tag

Repeating or adding too many keywords in your title tag won’t improve your rankings. The search engines are focused on context – not on the frequency, and density of keywords. Choose words that are clear to the topic of the page and intent and stick with them in the title tag.

Call to Action in SERP

Search engines typically display only the first 50–60 characters of a title tag. Hence, titles fewer than 60 characters are expected to have about 90 per cent display accuracy. Get your important message in there with concise and direct words to match the intent of the searcher to earn their click.

The title tag is just one of many elements that are part of a detailed SEO plan. So make sure that they always have a foremost place in your SEO strategy. If you would like to know more about the optimization of title tags to get Better Traction for your website, feel free to reach out to our experts at [email protected] or call us at +91-98367-81929

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