Get familiar with these 5 Best PHP Frameworks for Modern Web Development Get familiar with these 5 Best PHP Frameworks for Modern Web Development
Author Sundew
Date October 30th, 2018
Time to Read 10 min.

Get familiar with these 5 Best PHP Frameworks for Modern Web Development

by Sundew

Web Application development is quite a complex and prolonged process.  But, with the right PHP framework, Sun Dew Solutions can ease out the process and minimize the time required for development. PHP, also known as Hypertext Preprocessor is one of the most powerful and popular server-side scripting languages which provides a wide gamut of frameworks that build complex applications and enterprise-class websites easily.

PHP Frameworks come in all categories of form and sizes and have targeted developers with different levels of experience, application needs, hosting capabilities, and development time-frames. One should always consider picking the modern PHP Framework that provides well organized, reusable and maintainable code. Most modern PHP frameworks follow the Model-View-Controller pattern that ensures the separation of presentation and logic and support modern web development practices.

Look at the 5 best PHP Frameworks that increases productivity and makes web development streamline-

1.    Laravel

Laravel PHP framework is comparatively new and it is one of the most robust and popular tools which is been used extensively by a large number of experienced web developers. The framework is designed with lightweight template processor called ‘Blade’ elegant syntax that makes task simple and enables frequent chores such as authentication, caching, sessions, Restful routing, and queuing easier for developers. Laravel also includes a local development environment called homestead that is a packed Vagrant box.

2.    Symfony

Symfony is the second most popular PHP Framework after Laravel. It is a reliable and high performing framework developed for creating websites and applications.  Symfony is also built on similar web architecture design patterns like Laravel which includes components such as Drupal, EZ Publish and phpBB.  It’s hard to determine which is superior among Laravel and Symfony as they both have common and excellent features and are among the most popular framework used in website development.

3.    Phalcon

Phalcon is another popular framework among the developers because it is fast with low overheads and it is written in C and C++ to attain the highest level of performance. Phalcon not only speed up the execution process but it also decreases resource usage.  Phalcon framework is equipped with advanced features like auto-loader, asset management, caching, security, translation and many more. It is definitely worth a try! 

4.    CakePHP

CakePHP is great for commercial web applications and is packed with cool features such as database access, caching, validation and so on. Even though it a decade old framework, but it is still counted as one of the popular PHP frameworks. However, the latest version CakePHP Framework 3.6 upgraded the session management, modularity and enhanced the ability to create more standalone libraries. CakePHP has been used by many big brands like BMW, Express and Hyundai for developing their websites.  

5.    Codeignitor

Codeignitor is a developer friendly framework with the simple installation process and minimalistic configuration setup which can save you from a lot of hassle. It is an ideal choice if you want to avoid PHP version conflict and works fine on almost all shared and dedicated hosting platforms.  As Codeignitor is not built on MVC development pattern, it gives developers a great freedom where they can use their own code and naming conventions. Being one of the lightweight frameworks, it gives developers an opportunity to add third-party plugins to perform more complex functionalities.

Each framework has its own perks and flaws, however choosing the right one depends on various factors like speed, ease of use, security, scalability, documentation and hosting sources. Along with that, the skill sets of the developer and the project they will be working on also come into consideration. Just be sure to check the company behind the development of each framework to be certain, it is actively maintained and has long-term support which will ensure that it remains updated in the future.

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