Five Steps to Omnichannel Success Five Steps to Omnichannel Success
Author Sundew
Date November 14th, 2019
Time to Read 10 min.

Five Steps to Omnichannel Success

by Sundew

Omni-channel is a step up from multi-channel marketing, which assumes the customer is interacting with your brand through multiple engagement points, or channels. Omni-channel enables more interaction and serves various customer touchpoints once it is implemented. The result is a seamless, frictionless customer experience—one, if it’s done right, works.

Omni-channel has the potential to bring your marketing game to a whole new level. Here are five steps to doing omni-channel marketing the right way.

Steps for Omni-Channel Success

Begin with behaviour- Track your customers’ journeys, both online and offline, wherever possible. Content they’ve downloaded or viewed, previous purchases, items they’ve placed in shopping carts—accumulate as much data as you can, and use it to tailor relevant offers to the appropriate audiences across the channels they use.

Set up a surprise- Between online promotions and choosing the offline options, we tend to get stuck in ruts—but consumers like to discover things, especially when it’s a deal or product that feels perfect for them. Make sure it comes to your customers naturally—don’t expect them to chase you or search. And you should have enough data to approach them with the right offer, the right way.

Follow up- If an item’s been sitting too long in a shopping cart and inventories are running low, let your customer know. Send them a quick message in a preferred channel to warn them. Consider extending a special offer to further motivate them to take action.

Put your marketing to the test- You won’t know if you’re giving your customers a frictionless experience unless you test it out—ahead of time. Recruit test subjects that are internal and external to your organization. Have subjects place orders, click through offers, and more. If they hit snags or simply don’t love the process, it’s time to fine tune your interfaces.

Communicate your culture- A big part of customer experience is determined by your brand identity and company culture. Be consistent, engaging, and true to your mission and ideals. Consumers—especially younger demographics—will recognize insincere messaging and will disengage. Your offers need to be relevant to your customers—but they also need to be relevant and true to your brand.

Perhaps the most critical key to effective omni-channel marketing is having the right tools to help you monitor and track the customer journey—across all channels, including phone calls. To learn how we can help improve your omni-channel strategy, schedule a call with us at +91-98367-81929.

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